Train Rides and Art Galleries – Connecting with our Wider World
We have been exploring the world.
We have been finding out from the city museum art gallery about animals and photography!
We are celebrating and valuing our city.
We are connecting with others about passions and interests.
We are riding on trains!
Artists and Studios
We have skills to explore, design and make!
And out Studio has been turned into a huge white canvas!
Art students from the University of the West of England, Bristol came along to be artists alongside us.
Let’s make marks!
In fact we are researching children’s mark making – their drawing, their writing, their painting.
We want to know more about “how children are using marks?”
Marks can be made for the pure physical joy of the experience.
Marks can be made to express the spoken word, tell a story, making thinking visible.
Marks can be made to create shapes and spaces, to create line and colour.
In the STUDIO the children used the space to make small intricate, intimate marks.
They used the space with their bodies, dancing and jumping across the space to make strong, big, dashing marks – dynamic scribbles full of energy and life!
Children have flourished in their mark making, as we have responded and valued their marks and creative confidence.