Our Nursery School can accommodate up to 120 children. We offer term-time sessions of 15 hours per week, with places offered at the start or end of the week:
Option A
Mondays and Tuesdays – 8:45am – 3:00pm
Wednesdays – 8:45am – 11:30am
Option B
Wednesdays – 12:30pm – 3:00pm
Thursdays and Fridays – 8:45am – 3:00pm
We provide 8 fee paying wraparound places to enable families to buy back additional hours between 8.00am and 6.00pm all year round.
You can register your child for a nursery place as soon as they become 2 years old. Places will be offered in May for children to start in September.
At Nursery School your child will be in a key group of 11 children working with a familiar key worker.
Staff observe children closely, finding out what interests and motivates them, they then plan dynamic learning opportunities to extend and develop the children’s learning.
The nursery sessions are developed around a supportive daily routine, which includes opportunities for the children to work in a small group, plan their own learning, make independent choices about what they want to explore, review their learning, experience story and songs/rhymes. Outdoor learning is highly valued and available at all times.
Ongoing records are kept of your child’s learning journey, which are shared with you regularly.