Climbing Confidence

The children in the Baby Room 2 are enjoying exploring the climbing frame. We have noticed that they are accessing the climbing frame a lot more since it was put back inside our room. It is clearly very popular with all the children.

They have been using the climbing frame in a variety of ways. Younger babies have been practicing going up and down by crawling up the steps and then crawling to the slope area on the opposite side. Some of them have been taking risks by walking up and down the slide.

They are using a variety of movements when they explore the frame such as walking, crawling, sliding down on their bottom, walking up and down. This all helps support their co-ordination, learning how to balance, negotiating spaces, and taking turns.

The children are also investigating the different areas of the climbing frame such as crawling under the slide exploring the different angles and sensing where they are in space and how to negotiate using the same space safely.

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