Resettling, Reconnecting and Feeling safe.
We have loved seeing all members of room 3 back at nursery and we have noticed their resilience and adaptability. We have also welcomed new families to our nursery.
We have been remembering how to ‘be a group’ and all the skills that it requires (taking turns, listening to others, taking account of what they say).
Lots of group times have been outside in the garden where we can use our bodies and explore the space.
Watch out for the Stomp Rocket!

Scientific Enquiry
“I know science. I can do experiments!” (O)
We have been capitalising on our innate curiosity about the world around us. We have been using our scientific enquiry process skills to observe, communicate, raise questions, reason and experiment.
We have: planted seeds, explored magnetism, created observational drawings, baked muffins, made predictions about sinking and floating, grown (and eaten) cress, observed frogspawn hatching into tadpoles.
Staff have been supporting children to make links, raise questions, to wonder and to find out. There have been no limits to these wonderings and it has been a privilege to be alongside your amazing children as they work in this way.
“We learnt that oranges float when the skin is on, and when its off they sink!” (A)
The Food Project
As part of The Food Project we have been working with Harriet to investigate fruit and vegetables. Some familiar, some unfamiliar.
The children have been offering suggestions, making links, imitating, chopping, tasting, cooking. They have been developing self-confidence as they work in this way. Having a shared and novel experience to ignite talk and reaffirm links between home and school.