
This term we have been focusing on encouraging CURIOSITY in Nursery room 1. We have been noticing the changing seasons watching the leaves grow on our willow tree. We were so excited when it snowed, we loved exploring our cold garden! We have also been tuning in to sounds around us and have enjoyed exploring with musical instruments. We have been using our senses to explore with vegetables noticing how they feel, smell and taste. We learnt that raw leeks are SPICY! We’ve also been practicing being safe with knives. Some of us have been so determined that we persevered with the chopping even when the onions made our eyes sting.

Out and About!

Red group have been out and about in our minibus this term. Learning together outdoors and in our community nourished a sense of awe and wonder for Red Group. They loved Forest School particularly playing hide and seek, finding HUGE sticks and having a picnic together. Children made links to our Core Story We’re going on a Bear Hunt and re-imagined the journey as they explored through the bushes and trees. At St Werburgh’s City Farm we loved meeting the goats. Some of us felt nervous around them but some were brave enough to feed them! We enjoyed the tickly feeling of their tongue on our hands. The goats seemed very interested in us too.

Challenging ourselves in the Garden

As the weather has become warmer lots of us have been planning to take our learning outdoors. Our confidence has been growing as we challenge ourselves in our garden. Lots of us have been persevering with the pole, carefully watching the children who are now experts to notice how they WHOOOSH down. We are keeping on trying and lots of us are really proud of our success, returning again and again! We have also been climbing, balancing, and hanging upside down!

Amazing Creations!

We have been our building skills! Using the big blocks to build amazing creations. We are showing absortion as we carefully place and smaller and smaller blocks to create towers and turrets.

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