Digital Discoveries!
We have been photographers, documenters, artists!
We have been keen to use all of our ‘languages’ to explore our spaces and environment, our classroom community and how we belong and contribute to a group.
And we are so very interested in your child’s perspective and perception of what they do, see, hear, feel when they are playfully exploring the POD and beyond!
The cameras have been so effective at helping the children make connections with each other, developing that sense of feeling valued and belonging.
Belonging and contributing to a group is one of our St. Paul’s Promises!

Our Unique Selves
We have been ‘seeing ourselves’ by making self-portraits, using mirrors and photographs to see and talk about who we are!
And we have been noticing each other, looking at and exploring similarities and differences, delighting in our uniqueness, embracing our diversity, being connected in our community.

Mark Making Matters
We love making marks!
In fact, we are researching children’s mark making – their drawing, their writing, their painting. We want to know more about “how children are using marks?”
As children play in the POD and the CLASSROOMS they are finding different ways of representing their thoughts and feelings.
Marks can be made for the pure physical joy of the experience.
Marks can be made to express the spoken word, tell a story, making thinking visible.
In the POD we have delighted in wallowing in the paint with fingers and feet.
In the POD we have joyfully diagrammed and drawn what we see – such exquisite observational drawings!
Children have flourished in their mark making, as we have responded and valued their marks and creative confidence.