If You Do Down to the Woods Today…!

Blue Group and Alice have been on adventures in the minibus – which always delights, excites and ignites lots of talk and making links to children’s personal histories.

The Stoke Park estate has been so so muddy and wet with great big ‘lakes’ of water and huge sloppy tracks of mud!

We have so enjoyed “mapping” out the adventure using all our senses – really listening to the muddy, squelchy sounds wellies have been making, looking across the fields at Bristol city landscape or looking and feeling the beautifully carved wood sculptures of birds, owls, hedghogs and mice!

Blue Group are incredible storytellers and have been making links with our Core Story “Mud Walk” – noticing the mud and acting out parts of the story ‘slip, slop, slip, slop!’

“I am an inspired and inspiring storyteller” is one of our St. Paul’s Curriculum Promises and Blue Group have been so inspiring as they have told and retold their woodland narrative!

Happy Birthday!

Collaboration and resourcefulness have been incredibly useful learning dispositions for children this term as they’ve invited others to share creatively in celebrating their birthdays.

Using the small ‘curiosity corner’ children have decorated and celebrated together, capitalising on a wide range of materials to stick, join, construct a ‘birthday space’.

Here the children ‘acted out’ and reimagined their birthdays – full of complex imaginary play!

We Are Scientists!

Exploring and examining, wondering and researching the effects of cold weather has led children to notice changes, cause and effect and talk about how ice is formed!

“I use all my senses to engage in scientific enquiry” is another of our St. Paul’s Promises and children have been testing out how ice can be formed ( we left lots of water out over night ) and how it might be broken or changed back into water.

The children have shared knowledge, been experts and asked questions about why and how things happen.

Their play and exploration has been full of observation, speculation, prediction and making links.

All very useful skills to carry out scientific enquiries!

Winter Celebration – Crumpets, Hot Chocolate and Lots of Song!

Thank you so very much to all the parents, carers and families who joined us for our Winter Breakfast and celebration.

We even managed to get a fire going for warming porridge and warming toes!

Thank you all for making it a warm, intimate, joyful opportunity to come together as a community.

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