
This term we have been focusing on EXPLORATION in Nursery room 1. As your children have grown in confidence, they have been tuning in to their sense of exploration at Nursery School. We have noticed that children are able to self-direct during explore time and use the amazing skills they have built up over the year to engage in purposeful and absorbed learning.

Food Exploration

This term we have been engaging in lots of food exploration. We have been using our senses to explore with vegetables noticing how they feel, smell and taste. Some of us have been practicing our chopping skills, showing perseverance and determination. Lots of us have tasted new vegetables that we’ve never seen before. We have also been baking together; measuring, pouring, mixing, and enjoying our delicious biscuits and cakes. We felt proud when we shared the biscuits and yummy lemonade, we made with our families to celebrate the end of term.

Music Exploration

Children in Nursery 1 have been loving exploring in our music room! Children have been experimenting with sound on the piano, guitars, and violins. We’ve been practicing keeping the beat on our BIG drum, experimenting with fast, slow, loud, and quiet drumming. We have also been collaborating on the keyboard exploring all the buttons and experimenting with how the sounds change!

Out and About

We have loved exploring out and about in the warmer weather. Purple group and Orange group loved their community walk to the park! We played together on the slide, showed confidence with our climbing skills, and pushed each other on the swings! Red group walked all the way to the Galleries to visit a pop-up interactive exhibition called Social Scaffolding. We ran through hanging displays of different materials feeling the textures as we went. Some of us preserved to make our own pompoms which we took home to show our families! We also loved trying on the different wool costumes; running and dancing to see how they moved. We also enjoyed climbing into the suspended pods, independently! We had so much fun that we really didn’t want to leave to go back to Nursery school.

Amazing Building

We have been fine tuning our incredible building skills! Lots of us in Nursery 1 have returned to building again and again, creating more and more complex buildings. We’ve used reference books to inspire our building. We’ve been mixing the big blocks and adding on smaller loose parts to add details to our incredible creations! We have been showing incredible absorption and perseverance when our towers, castles, car, and houses fall down. “We try again! And build it even better!”

Thank you!

What amazing journey we have been on this year; it has been incredible to witness your children grow in independence to become the motivated and purposeful learners we see in our classroom today! Thank you, Nursery 1, for all your brilliance, your curiosity, and your amazing exploration. We feel confident that you will flourish in your new Primary Schools!

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