Welcome to Nursery

Thank you for supporting your children to settle at nursery, to have time to build new relationships and to find out about the new routine of the nursery day. Thank you too for inviting us into your homes for home visits. These visits are so crucial to building trusting relationships and for supporting your children’s emotional wellbeing as they grow in independence and confidence while at nursery school.

Your amazing children have been exploring, making connections, imagining and problem solving. They are showing us what fascinates them and using these fascinations to help them settle into their new nursery home.

Using Our Senses to find out about Our World

In room 2 we have noticed a fascination with sensory exploration as children use their senses to support self-regulation, emotional wellbeing and to make connections with others. We have noticed: lots of BIG painting, BIG marks made with BIG physical movement, painting objects such as boxes and junk modelling, and finding out about mixing paint to notice how it changes.

Story Time

We have been using story to help support children to settle and to hold families in mind. We have been learning Owl Babies and Dear Zoo. Your brilliant children have been capitalising on their growing confidence with these stories by retelling them to each other in explore time and using the props to further explore their knowledge of these ever familiar tales.

Going Out

Green Group have been visiting the woods with Nasrin and Concetta. They used this big and novel experience to raise questions. They have been interested in Light and Dark, and Nasrin has been exploring shadows and then reflections with Green Group.

Loving Our Nursery Home

We have been learning to be responsible at nursery and look after our new resources and our environment. We are demonstrating how to ‘tidy as we go’ and collaborate as we tidy together at Tidy Up Time.

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