Due to the ending of terms of office, the St Pauls board of Governors has two vacancies for Parent Governors and, in accordance with The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012 (schedule 1 and schedule 2), elections will be held this term.
What do School Governors do?
The Governing Board exists to provide strong strategic leadership to a school, ensuring accountability for its educational and financial performance. The Governing Board must meet at least three times per year, but often meets more frequently (currently there are six scheduled meetings) in each academic year.
According to the Governance Handbook, the board has three key functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of its staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
This includes things like:
- Policy development and strategic planning, including target-setting;
- Agreeing the School Improvement Plan;
- Ensuring compliance with legal requirements;
- Ensuring sound management of the school’s finances and resources;
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the performance of the school;
- Establishing and maintaining a transparent system of prudent and effective internal controls;
- Accounting to parents/carers and other stakeholders for the performance of the School;
- Making senior appointments, in particular the Headteacher.
There are also three committees that meet regularly, Teaching and Learning, Resources and Partnerships and Communities, as well as Link Governor Roles. Governors are expected to join a committee.
There is induction and training available to new Governors, both within school and through the Local Authority’s Governor Development Service and it would be expected that new Governors undertake at least some training. All Governors are welcome to discuss any issues or questions with the Chair or clerk at any time.
What do you need to do next?
Read the section at the end of this letter which explains the process for appointing Parent Governors.
A nomination form is attached below. Completed forms must be returned to the Returning Officer (via the Clerk) by Friday 4 June 2021.
For further information on what is involved in becoming a Parent Governor, please contact Lucy Driver, Headteacher head.stpaulsncc@bristol-schools.uk, or Leanne Sowersby Clerk to Governors, clerk.stpaulscc@bristol-schools.uk. Or see the Bristol Governor Development Page
If you decide to put yourself forward for the Parent Governor vacancy, you will need to find two other parents willing to propose and second your nomination.
Yours sincerely
Lucy Driver
Headteacher / Returning Officer
Process for the Election of Parent Governors
- Parent Governors are elected by parents/carers of children at St Pauls Nursery School and Children’s Centre.
- If more parents/carers want to become governors than there are vacancies, a ballot will be held. Ballot papers and details of the election process will be sent to all parents/carers eligible to vote.
- If you put yourself forward and no ballot is necessary you will be elected unopposed from the day after the deadline for nominations passes.
- If you are elected as a Governor, your term of office will normally be two years. You can resign at any time. If you cease to be employed by the school, you will also cease to be a Governor.
- The enclosed nomination form must be returned to the Clerk not later than Friday 4 June 2021.