Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

We are readers!

We are storytellers!

We love books!

Our Core Stories help the children be confident readers and storytellers.

Our Core Stories are revisited again and again and again…

So children can wallow in the rhythms and rhymes, the shapes and the sounds of the words and language of the books.

Our Core Stories are full of brilliant illustrations that help children understand the story.

Our Core Stories are full of language that repeats so children can predict and join in and enjoy the rhythm of the story.

We use all sorts of props to help us read and retell the stories.

We have been reading Eric Carle’s “Brown Bear Brown Bear…”.

Have you read it yet?

Caring for Our World

We have been thinking about our natural world.

And we have noticed birds visiting our garden.

We have been making bird feeders to encourage the birds to come back.

We have used pinecones and suet and seeds.

The bird feeders keep the birds fed all-year round.

Did you know some birds eat up to 35% of their bodyweight everyday! Wow!

Skills to Explore, Design and Make

We love to make!

We have been so full of concentration and absorption, involvement and perseverance.

There have been lots of tools to practice and rehearse, to return to again and again to grow our confidence in cutting, shaping, joining, making.

We have been challenging ourselves to learn new things.

We have been challenging ourselves to use tools in new ways.

We have been creative and resourceful!

Did you see our incredibly long drawing taped along the floor?

So many marks painted.

So great to have a different perspective and a different space to make our mark.

Did you see our tree decorations?

We loved using hole punches, scissors, tape, glue and all sorts of textiles and materials.

We love to make!

Blocks and Building

We love Blocks!

Blocks are such an essential and fundamental ingredient in our provision here at St. Paul’s.

They are so open-ended and full of endless possibilities.

Children’s collaborative, creative constructions offer such a vivid window onto all aspects of their learning.

And Blocks are so so mathematical!

Full of shape, space, measure…

How tall?

How big?

Does if fit here?

Children have been exploring how hollow blocks can fit together.

Full of balance, symmetry, pattern and purpose.

Children have been exploring how Duplo works, persevering in making towers.

Taller and taller and taller!


Oh! We do love blocks!

Messy Scientists

We are wallowing in messy play!

We love GLOOP!

Have you ever made gloop?

We have been noticing and wondering, questioning and experimenting with cornflour and water.

We have been exploring and experimenting, observing closely what happens when we repeat our actions again and again.

Gloop runs through your fingers – so slimy and sticky!

Gloop leaves a trail of marks when you use a stick through it!

Gloop goes soft… gloop goes hard… gloop can drip… gloop can stick!

I wonder what you might notice?

I wonder what you might find out?

What if… can you predict?

We are messy scientists!

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