It’s been cold, but we loved the snow!
All the children ventured outside today (even just for a little bit!) to have a snow adventure.
It was fantastic to see the very youngest children from the baby rooms so confident, so curious, and so delighted!
The children have been such playful explorers… such scientists full of enquiry!
Full of questioning, noticing, and reflecting!
Exploring with all their senses, fully immersed in the wonder of it, the excitement of it!
Hot toast and warming hands by the fire helped.
With a few soggy socks and clothes drying on the radiators this afternoon!
The children were dressed in waterproofs, but the damp has got through, so apologies for the wet clothes, not quite-dry, so please do bring lots of spare clothes over the next few days.
Stay safe and warm, everyone… enjoy the snow if more arrives!