In Nursery School this term, as some of us may be celebrating Christmas, we have all been making lots of links to our own experiences of celebrations.
We have been talking about our own special family traditions and holding people in mind, by making gifts, presents & decorations. Decorating our trees has been a real focus, that required much creativity and concentration, as well as developing expertise around new tools.
Children are creating the most remarkable structures using loose parts & their imaginations, take a look at the ‘vet surgery!’
Continuing our creativity – we have loved using natural resources; clay, leaves, twigs, to tell stories and represent our ideas… we have made bowls, spiders, telescopes, bats and more! We are in continued awe of your children’s drawing skills; every opportunity to mark-make seems to be capitalised upon. It’s providing a real outlet for children to communicate experiences, feelings & stories.
We have noticed so much resilience from children who continue to settle, and those who are brand new to Nursery School! Welcome! And thank-you for your flexibility as children build confidence in their new environment.
We want to wish you all a safe and peaceful break, and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.