Dear Parents, Carers and Colleagues,
I am writing to you directly, as requested by our Local Authority, because St Pauls is within an area of the city that currently has one of the highest rates of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Bristol.
We know that social mixing increases the spread of the virus and that not everyone is adhering to the government guidance relating to lockdown. One suspected cause of the spread, in some areas, is through parents and carers mixing on their way to and from schools and settings.
We are working incredibly hard to keep everyone safe, but we have been asked to strengthen certain key messages, in communities with high prevalence rates of the coronavirus.
Bristol City Council will be delivering the following messages through their media campaigns, and we need to make sure that these messages reach EVERY family and household – so please read on.
(Translations of these messages will be available next week)
Key messages from Bristol City Council:
- Please travel to/from school or nursery with COVID-19 in mind. It’s advised to avoid public transport so please try and walk/cycle to school if you can, keeping your distance from others, and ensure you wear a face covering when required. Where possible, car sharing with people outside your household or support bubble should be avoided.
- Social distancing guidance inside and outside of school/nursery is different. Whilst at school or nursery your child can mix with his/her class bubble, as safety measures are in place. This is necessary in order for us to enable children and young people to continue to attend. However, these measures are not in place outside of school/nursery, so please make sure you and your child follow the current government guidance when not in the school building
- Social distancing outside school/nursery gates is vital to minimise the spread. Please do not gather or mix when dropping off or collecting your child
- If you or your child develops symptoms of the virus, you/they MUST NOT go to school or nursery. Stay at home, self-isolate and get tested. Symptoms include a new continuous cough, high temperature or loss or change to your sense of taste and smell
- If you or your child is asked to self-isolate, you/they must not leave the house under any circumstances and your friends and family cannot visit during this time. We understand your frustrations in having to adapt to last minute calls or changes requiring you/your child to self-isolate and thank you for your continued cooperation.
Links to share
- The council’s guidance for parents and carers amid COVID-19
- The council’s videos encouraging compliance during lockdown in difference languages
- Information on the council’s free We Are Bristol helpline
Thank you as always for everything you, you family and friends, and your colleagues are doing.
It feels that Bristol is at a critical point – we all need to do everything we can to protect our loved ones, our communities and our services as we get through this winter.
Please rest assured St Pauls and Nursery School is doing everything we can to stay open to families, but in the most ‘covid safe’ way we can.
Childrens, families and staff teams are adjusting remarkably to every adaptation we throw at them, which I believe, is because alongside the physical and safety of everyone, we always hold their emotional well-being in mind.
Kind Regards
Lucy Driver
Headteacher and NLE