Friday Messages

Our Friday Message – 12th July 2024

Essential Dates

Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th July – Summer Picnic, Parade and Song
Tuesday 23rd July – Nursery Term 6 ends/Last day of the Nursery Year

Summer Picnic – The BIG Breakfast!

All welcome! We are having a Summer Picnic Breakfast, full of food and family, a picnic and parade, celebration, and song! Come along!

Please bring food to share, dancing feet and singing voices!

Tuesday 16th July and Thursday 18th July, 9:00am-10:00am

Summer Picnic – Calling All Musicians

Would you like to bring along an instrument to play?                                                                                                  

We are very relaxed and musically playful! We invite all musicians to bring along their guitar, drum, or saxophone! 

Some music during the picnic perhaps?

And we are having a Big Band Parade around the garden!

All musicians are welcome!

Summer Picnic – Food to Share

Please do bring along “finger food” to share and label it to help children with allergies make choices. No nuts please!


Talk PANTS is an NSPCC approach to help children understand they have a right to say no. We use it as part of teaching children about being safe, standing up for their rights and confidently asking for help.

Learn more here, and download the guide for parents.

Early Years Two Children Moving to Nursery

We are supporting children moving into Nursery now and over summer. There will be lots of opportunities for them to spend time in the Nursery rooms and spaces, explore the resources, put up their photos and family photos and experience some of the Nursery Routines such as small grouptimes and storytimes. Here’s information about our “gentle loving approach” to supporting transitions.

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