Friday Messages

Our Friday Message – 24th May 2024

Essential Dates

Every Friday Morning – Garden Club – Come along to plant, dig, weed and grow!
Friday 24th May 2024 – Nursery Term 5 Ends
Monday 3rd June 2024 – Nursery Term 6 Starts
Wednesday 19th June 2024 – Inset Day – 12 midday closure

Family Boards and Family Photos

Knowing and celebrating families is so important to us here at St Pauls.

Our curriculum supports children’s awareness of their world, family, community, and culture. We encourage children to have a strong self-identity, know their own uniqueness, embrace diversity, and celebrate differences.

We want children to see themselves and their families in their environment. Our family boards and family photographs are really important.

Please do bring a family photograph in for your child’s Family Board. Thank you.

News from the Rooms

Our latest News from the Rooms posts are up on our website. Find out all about the amazing, creative, playful learning that has been happening.

From Baby Room making Tzatsiki to Nursery building huge models of the Eiffel Tower!

Please do take a look at the children’s brilliant learning.

Our Play Spaces – Designing and Developing

We have been busy designing and developing our play spaces so that there are even more opportunities to climb and swing, communicate and collaborate. Next week, we are building stages at the bottom of our garden – and planting some climbers. Over the summer, we will redesign our ‘hills’ so they are better for rolling down! And we are hoping to secure a bit of funding for a big swing! So watch this space!

Book Donations Gladly Accepted – Our Book Collection

Thank you for the book donations so far!

We are ‘growing’ our collection of books by buying lots and lots of Core Books, but we are gladly accepting book donations from authors like Julia Donaldson, Eric Carle, Emily Gravett, Trish Cooke, and Nick Sharratt.

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