Essential Dates
Friday 25th October – Last day of Term 1 for Nursery School children
Monday 4th November – First day of term 2 for Nursery School children
Friday 8th November – Additional Nursery Welcome Meetings for Parents/Carers
Monday 18th November – Baby Room & EY2 Welcome Meetings for Parents/Carers
Wednesday 27th November – Inset 12 midday closure
Primary School Applications – Complete by January 15th, 2025
If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 you will need to apply for their Primary School Reception place through Bristol City Council Admissions by Wednesday, January 15th 2025.
Apply for a new reception primary place
We recommend going to visit your local primary schools. They often have planned OPEN DAYS or you can contact the school to arrange a visit. It is also helpful to talk to other parents and families who already have Primary-aged children. They can offer advice and experience about the school and the application process.
Come and talk to Robin or Dilly if you have any questions or would like help completing the application.
Nursery School Talk PANTS – A Way of Helping Children Feel Safe
Talk PANTS is part of our curriculum and helps children stay safe.
Talks PANTS is NSPCC advice and guidance for children and parents, practitioners and teachers to help children understand their body belongs to them, and they should tell a safe adult they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.
Videos and guidance can be found here.
No Mobile Phones
As part of our safeguarding policy and practice, we don’t allow mobile phones to be used in school. Please feel free to use your phone in the main entrance or Community Room or outside the school. Thank you for understanding.
Central Bristol Children’s Centres Timetable
Central Bristol Children’s Centres supports families and children from birth to five years, with a range of drop-in and bookable courses to stimulate, engage and inspire.
Their September – December Timetable for weekly sessions is available to download from their website, featuring groups and sessions across all six central Bristol Children’s Centres and beyond.