Essential Dates
Thursday 19th September – Nursery Parents and Families meeting
Tuesday 15th October – Inset Afternoon – All children home midday
Friday 25th October – Last Day of Term 1 – for Nursery School children
Outstanding School – “Children Are Happy, Confident Learners at This School”
Our recent Ofsted inspection recognises us as a thoroughly inclusive school, a highly ambitious school with staff expertise and a deep understanding of how children learn, so everyone here experiences success and makes progress.
Ofsted said “Children have an exceptional sense of self” and “Children benefit from moments of curiosity and wonder”!
St Pauls has now been judged to be outstanding for the last 15 years!
And we are the only Nursery School in Central Bristol area to continue to be judged Outstanding.
Thank you to all the children, families, staff and partners who make this such an outstanding setting.
Please read Lucy’s letter to you all here.
EasyPeasy App – Parenting Advice and Activity Ideas Birth – 5s
Support your child’s development with the EasyPeasy smartphone app for parents of children from Birth to 5. It offers advice, guidance, and games that support relationships, interactions, learning, and development.
Helping Hands! Can You Come and Help Support Learning and Play?
Can you offer some time to support learning? We are looking for parents and families to support gardening, music, reading and “out-and-about” adventures! Would you like to drive our minibus?
Please come and see Robin if you can offer any time.