Friday Messages

Our Friday Message – 6th October 2023

Essential Dates

Tuesday 10th October: 9:15am Help with Potty and Toilet Training Workshop
Monday 16th October: INSET – 12 midday closure
Friday 20th October: Term 1 ends for Nursery School
Monday 30th October: Term 2 starts for Nursery School

Help with Potty and Toilet Training – independence and confidence!

Tuesday 10th October 2023, 9.15am in the Community Room.

Sammy from the Children’s Centre will be talking about how to help your child feel confident and capable about using a potty and a toilet. Toilet training is so important for children’s self-esteem and growing independence.

ERIC is the national charity that supports children’s health in toileting. There are great videos and advice.

£5 voluntary consumables contribution

Lucy recently sent you a letter talking about the challenges we are facing regarding our financial sustainability.

We are acutely aware that the financial challenges we face here are mirrored in everyone’s home life (increased bills, food costs and mortgages ), so we really appreciate any help you can give.

We want to continue to offer food, fire and cooking, minibus and out-and-about experiences, woodwork and waterproofs – as these opportunities are part of what makes St. Paul’s an excellent place for children to be. But they do cost us a lot of money.

We are asking for a £5-a-month voluntary contribution to continue the enriched experiences that make our pedagogy and provision so brilliant.

You can pay by card, cash, bank transfer (details available on request) – whichever is easiest for you.

Friday Morning Garden Club – Starting 20th October 2023

Rosina from Children’s Kitchen will be supporting us in developing our allotment, planting seeds and wild flowers, exploring and cooking seasonal veg and all-round-confidence with our food journey from “plot to plate”.

Come along and join in our Garden Club every Friday morning. All are welcome!

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

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