Essential Dates
Tuesday 10th October
Potty and Toilet Training – 9:15am
Monday 16th October
INSET – 12 midday closure
Garden Club
Do you have Green Fingers? Can you come and give us some of your time to support the development of green spaces, garden and allotments here? We would love to learn from and with you!
Please see Robin or Dilly if you can come and garden with us.
After-school Club and additional sessions bookings – Nursery School
Please be aware we are quite full in after-school club but if you are interested in booking additional sessions please do complete a form with our fab admin team at the front desk.
Please note we will do our best to support you and respond to ‘one-off’/’ad hoc’ requests as soon as possible, but permanent booking requests may take about 2 weeks to approve as we are quite full! Thank you.
Help with Potty and Toilet Training – independence and confidence!
Tuesday 10th October 2023, 9:15am in the Community Room.
Sammy from the Children’s Centre will be talking about how to help your child feel confident and capable about using a potty and a toilet.
Goodbye Nasrin!

It is with much sadness but also congratulations that we say Goodbye to Nasrin. Nasrin has helped grow, shape, and develop St. Paul’s for the last 20 years and more! Such an incredible advocate and champion for so many communities, supporting all children and families to thrive here! Nasrin, whether you have been supporting children’s language development or playfully planning as Green Group’s Keyperson or championing mathematics, you have been at the heart of all that is brilliant about St. Paul’s.
Thank you Nasrin and good luck in your new teaching role!