Friday Messages

Our Friday Message – 8th September 2023

Essential Dates

Friday 1st September – Friday 20th October: TERM 1 Nursery School
Monday 16th October: Inset Day – 12 midday closure
Tuesday 28th November: Inset Day – 12 midday closure

Welcome to the New School Year

A big welcome to new families and families returning to the centre.

Here is the first FRIDAY MESSAGE of this academic year – a weekly reminder of essential dates, sharing of future events and important messages.

Moving In – A gentle and loving approach to helping children feel confident

Beginnings and changes are so important. We are really pleased to be working together with you to help your child feel a sense of safety, belonging and connectedness. Please see our booklet “Moving In” attached here and please do talk to your child’s KEYPERSON with any questions, comments or concerns.

Inset Days – Helping build ambition, vision and improvement

We have regular INSET days that give protected time for staff to come together to discuss children, progress, individual needs and the quality of provision.

We use this time to offer staff professional support and challenge, develop a sense of pride, purpose, belonging and ensure we build ambition, vision, improvement.

Mobile Phones – A gentle Safeguarding reminder

Please remember NO MOBILE PHONES ARE ALLOWED to be used in the Centre. It is an essential part of our Safeguarding Policy. Thank You.

A Gentle Reminder From Nicola About Lunch Money

Please remember to check and clear the balance of your account for lunch payments each week. Thank you. Please see Nicola, Clio and Janet at the front desk.

Corridor Concerts – Calling Musicians!

Can you play an instrument? We are immersing ourselves in music! And would love live music at the beginning of the day (or any part of the day!)

Please see Robin if you can come and be musical with us.

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

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