Essential Dates
Friday 1st September 2023: Inset Day – Closed all day.
More dates and information about our Inset Days coming to our website soon.
Newsletter and News from the Room
Please look at our website for the Newsletter from Lucy and each room’s news and celebrations of learning.
Building Works and Improvements over the Summer
We are busy building over the Summer, including making our Children’s Kitchen even more brilliant! And replacing lots of flooring and carpets. We are inviting the children to look at the building work here and across St. Paul’s to help them understand what is happening to their Centre. Please look out for more messages and signage about the building works over the coming days and weeks.
Please note Baby Room 1 entrance will change to Prince’s Street in about two weeks’ time.
Successful Transitions – Helping Children Get Ready to Move Rooms
Over the Summer, we are supporting the children getting ready to move rooms in September, with visits to new classrooms for story, circle times and play.
We spend lots of time ensuring children feel welcomed, have a sense of belonging and are helped to settle happily in their new spaces.
There are letters and booklets that we are going share with you over the next few weeks that will tell you all about how we help children thrive and flourish as they move in and across the Centre – please look out for these in your email inbox!
Gentle Reminder – Late Pick-Up
We just want to give you a gentle reminder that all children need to be picked up on time. This not only supports children’s emotional well-being and understanding of routines but also supports our hard-working practitioners in finishing their day on time.
Please note that there is a charge for late pick-up. We recognise the pressures and busyness of all our lives and really appreciate all your efforts at being punctual ( and if you would like longer “feedback” about your child’s day please do arrive a little earlier – we love to celebrate learning! ). Thank you.
Our Friday Message will return on Friday 1st September 2023. Have a great summer.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash